Thursday, August 28, 2008

Clubpenguin spots cheats/glitches

Hiya guys, I have a cheat/glitch I found out from this guy penguin a long time ago (forgot his name, I should feel guilty). I'm posting this now because some people still haven't figured how to do it yet, and I want to help. So what you do is click on the spot and then click on the mail while you are walking towards that spot. Close the mail in about ten seconds. There you go! Remember, while you are on the spot, you can still change your clothes, talk, dance, wave, and sit, but you can't move to another spot, or else you might end up in the dock (while doing this in town).

This cheat/glitch also works for the Plaza, inside the Ice Rink, and outside the Ice Rink. I will try and find other spots that this works if there are any. I will post some more pictures later on.

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